Friday, September 30, 2011


Today was our school's Walk-A-Thon fundraiser.  I love this event (even if it is only the 2nd year) because it means my kids don't have to sell crappy wrapping paper!  Yes, they still have to ask for money from people but they aren't peddling any crap.  I like that.

Plus it is a total bonus that they get to have a fun, healthy, active day.  No one tells them "don't run" or "sit still" or "be quiet" for almost 2 whole hours!  This is something that is often lacking at school.  Don't get me wrong, I'm the first to say school is a place for learning and kids should be able to sit still.  But moving around is good too.  Don't get me started on the lack of PE or art or music in a school these days...

But today was a great day.  The sun was shining.  The day was beautiful!  And the whole school was out walking for an hour and a half!  It was awesome!

"Can't talk now mom, gotta walk."

"Come on Wade, let's hop!"

Still going... like the Energizer Bunny.

This is his "Mom don't take my picture" face.

There may be things in life that frustrate me or make me crazy or just make be sad... But this Walk-A-Thon day is an incredible day.  I love seeing the whole school working together and having a great time.  I especially love seeing my kids be a part of that!

Stationery card

Look Who's 80 Birthday Invitation
Shutterfly has unique and fun birthday party cards.
View the entire collection of cards.